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One false messiah only please

February 13, 2013

There is only one thing that matters at the moment, only one thing that has real importance when uttered from the lips of a mayoral candidate.  It’s not that I don’t care about the candidates experience in business, politics, public service or charitable organizations.  It’s not that I don’t want to see a candidate who has charisma, who is a “man” of Bet Shemesh, who cares about all the residents.  And it’s not that I don’t want someone who is a visionary, a do-er, who can deliver, someone with a track record of achievements.  It’s just that this is no longer a game, it is serious business, Bet Shemesh is at a crossroads and we can’t afford to lose.

So what is it that I want to hear at this early stage? I want a candidate who is willing to step aside to avoid splitting the vote.  The most important thing is to have just one candidate to stand against the mayor, this is our only chance.  And it’s not just about standing aside close to the election, this would be disastrous, it’s about creating and backing a single champion from the beginning.  It’s about generating hope and building momentum over time and across the city, something that can only be done with one single savior anointed from early on.  And as hinted to above, a genuine candidate who truly cares about Bet Shemesh would stand aside despite knowing they are the best man for the job and despite the protests of their supporters.

And what if our candidates’ egos are greater than their love for the residents of Bet Shemesh?  Yes, we are talking about humans and there is no real cut off point early on to force or encourage such a momentous and selfless decision.  So I call out to the respected members of the community including those who get their hands dirty in local politics…devise a system now with the candidates, come up with a solution for choosing a single candidate, create a pact.  I don’t have a solution for you but whether a telephone poll is used to call 500 random residents or a mutually agreed selection committee can be formed please do it and do it early.    

They say in the start-up world “If you’re going to fail, fail fast” but in this election it is more than this.  The best candidate may need to step aside to ensure that Bet Shemesh turns the corner and establishes itself as a thriving and attractive city.  

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One Comment
  1. Zev Kaplan permalink

    I am a bet shemesh resident who has been involved in this issue(who and how will we achieve one candidate for the “general” population) for over a year now- I agree totally with your post. We need to expose any candidate that doesn’t agree publicly. There is a point in time(the exact date is debatable),
    that all candidacies must merge or else. In the meantime it is healthy (similar to primaries in U.S.) that there be different voices with a “controlled” fire. At all panels,meetings, etc. your point must be stressed over and over.The way it will play out might depend on the amount of importance individuals place on their egos as opposed to what is imperative for the city

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